December 29![]() Starfighter-scale AT-ST has been completely redesigned (turning out a little bit bigger than I had originaly wanted), and has been moved over to my DeviantArt site along with the AT-AT and all your basic TIEs. I need to hurry this along a bit, so to help provide some motiviation I've turned off auto-renewal on my DNS registration. So sometime around October 2020 this site will cease to be - I have until then to finish moving all the files over. September 22 ![]() Transferring content over to DeviantArt is proving more time-consuming than I had anticipated... mostly because as I look at these old models, I can't help but try to tweak them. Head over there now to check out the updated version of the Sandcrawler "Fighter scale" model. August 7 ![]() I've decided to take down this site for good. I haven't updated it in over a year, and I just have bigger priorities right now. I'll be moving my models over to my Deviantart page before I pull the plug here, so they'll still be accessible. Thank you all for your kind words (and $) over the years - I really appreciate it! July 21 ![]() Yeah, yeah, I know.... I never update this site. I'm seriously thinking about taking it down and moving on. Honestly, I just don't seem to have the time to keep up with RPG's and models anymore (sigh). I did add a new "desert oasis" model in the Star Wars starfighter-scale page (effectively replacing the old "Tatooine maps"), and I also updated the base on the AT-PT miniature, as well as corrected some broken links on the Aliens site. Small update, but better than nothing, right? January 14 ![]() I can't believe it's already 2018 - time seems to be flying by so fast. I posted an updated version of the TIE Fighter / TIE Interceptor file... it now includes a TIE Advanced (based loosely off of Sebastion Steel's bashkit of the old version). Despite the size of the new thumbnail, I haven't really changed the scale of the models. July 24 ![]() The new-and-improved ATAT model is now available for download! Check it out on the Star Wars "Stafighter-scale" page. July 3 ![]() This isn't really an update... more of an update tease. Head over to the "Starfighter scale" page and click the "Rebellion" link for a preview of a new-and-improved ATAT. The model is done, I just need to put the instructions together and clean up the file a bit. January 22 ![]() Ooh, I'm on a roll! Clone Wars fans, I'm proud to present the Vulture Droid Starfighter - available now on the "Starfighter scale" page. A warning - the wings are a bit fidgety. You will definitely want to use tweezers. And take your time - wait for each piece to dry before starting on the next one. January 16 ![]() OK, I'm finally ready to release the "something cool" I described in November. Head over to the Star Wars "starfighter scale" page... the model is prety lame, and the picture really doesn't do it justice, but I'm very happy with how the special base turned out. And the one I'm working on for "flying" models looks even cooler! December 26 ![]() This is also not the "Something cool" I mentioned last month, but I added some vaporators to the Star Wars "Fighter Scale" page. I'm planning on giving a make-over to the "maps & terrain" page and the "mercenary" page, just as I did with the other factions, but it's hard to get anything done over the holidays. December 19 ![]() This is not the "Something cool" I mentioned last month, but I decided to re-organize how some of the models are presented on this site. The Star Wars "Fighter Scale" page now groups all models by era, instead of faction. Because you know... I can't leave well enough alone. Consider it a "special edition". I also removed some out of date links and some old ads. November 26 ![]() Working on something that I thnk might be cool... we'll see how it turns out. In the meantime, I posted a real simple model of some "alien trees" in the Star Wars Character-scale page. Why trees? I don't really know... I just figured I would give it a try. October 30 ![]() Thank you all for your donations - all 2016 costs for the upkeep of this site have been payed for! September 28 ![]() OMG - an update! I am very pleased to announce a new model... (drum roll)... a newly re-designed, All Terrain Scout Transport on the Star Wars "Character Scale" page! I've been working on that thing on-and-off for what seems like forever, and I swear the model is cursed. Just as it was coming together, my hard drive crashed and I had to start over. Just as I was completing it, I realized that the old sketches I was basing it off were inacurate (please do NOT email me to let me know how badly I screwed up the torso bottom - I know it's not "movie-accurate"). Whatever. It's done now, and I think it looks pretty darn good on the gaming table. The head is meant to swivel around, so don't use any glue when putting in that last piece! :) In other news, I have retired the "tokens and maps" sub-section under the "Star Wars Character Scale". I may or may not remake the content and put it in a different spot... I haven't quite decided yet. |